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I'll Help You Achieve the Lean, Healthy, and Fit Body You've Always Wanted

Without having to follow a strict diet, buy expensive supplements, or do hours of cardio each week.

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I'll Help You Achieve the Lean, Healthy, and Fit Body You've Always Wanted

Without having to follow a strict diet, buy expensive supplements, or do hours of cardio each week.

Apply Here

If you’re reading this it’s likely because you’re tired of not being happy with the way your body looks and feels.

You’ve probably tried every diet and exercise program under the sun that guarantees you lose 30 lbs in 30 days and yet, none of them have actually worked.

You’re frustrated with your lack of progress despite putting in tremendous effort.

You probably think you’re doing something wrong… but we’re here to tell you it’s not your fault!

The truth is that most online weight loss programs are cookie-cutter solutions that are not designed to help you succeed long-term.

Sure, they might help you lose a couple of pounds in the short-term, but they do a horrible job of actually educating you on how to achieve and maintain the body of your dreams.

At fit4life academy, our goal is to help you achieve your dream body in a healthy and sustainable way by teaching you about what really matters to have a healthy body that you're proud of.

No More:

  • Overly restrictive diets

  • Confusion about what what to eat

  • Avoiding random foods for no apparent reason

  • Purchasing expensive supplements

  • Or doing hours of cardio every week

Picture yourself one year from now :

  • You’re in the best shape of your life.
  • You feel amazing.
  • Everyone around you starts asking if you’ve been working out?
  • You no longer worry about whether people are judging the way you look.
  • You’re no longer in pain and you can run around and play with your kids.
  • You feel better and you have more energy than 10 years ago.

This is what we can help you achieve. We will help you make your dreams a reality.

The question is, are you ready to put in the work to radically change your life?

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What Our Clients Say About Us!

What is online personalized 1 on 1 online coaching?

Personalized online coaching offers the expertise of a seasoned coach, who is personally invested in helping you achieve your specific goals. Your coach will design a tailored nutrition, training, and lifestyle/habit-based plan, as well as provide guidance, educate you, and support you along your health and fitness journey. Your success is our #1 priority.

Our online coaching system is seamless and won’t take more than 20 minutes out of your week. Our 1 on 1 coaching is a premium service, which means it is a greater financial investment compared to our other services because it offers exclusive, personalized attention and un paralleled expertise tailored directly to your unique needs and goals.

Who do we work with?

For personalized 1 on 1 coaching, we work with a very specific type of client. Unfortunately, we are not a good fit for everyone. This is because in order to provide the best possible service, we need to ensure that we are a good fit for you. Below is a description of the type of individuals that would be a good fit for our 1 on 1 coaching service. 

Goal of improving health and body composition

We mainly work with people who are trying to build muscle and lose body fat to improve their body composition and health.

Willing to strength train 3-5x per week.

Strength training is the main form of exercise we use to help our clients achieve their goals. If you are a complete beginner whose never stepped in the gym, it’s best to work with a personal trainer first to learn how to perform exercises correctly. 

No history of disordered eating

These individuals would benefit more from working with an eating disorders specialist rather than a physique coach.

View coaching as a long-term investment and not a “quick fix.”

transforming your body takes time. Our program is not a "get fit quick" fix. We work with clients who understand that achieving this goals will take time and hard work.

What do you need to succeed with us?

You need to embrace the journey and focus on long-term lifestyle changes, not short-term shortcuts.

Your health and physique are a direct reflection of your daily habits, which is why a big part of our coaching is lifestyle focused. We do not work with people who want to lose weight as quick as possible, because it’s not sustainable, and it’s not going to lead you to success. Successful clients are patient, self-motivated, and understand that results take time and can't be rushed.

You need to be coachable:

You need to trust your coach. Being coachable means being open minded and receptive to feedback and guidance from your coach. It involves a willingness to learn, adapt, and implement the suggested strategies to improve and achieve your goals effectively.

Your health and fitness need to be a priority.

Transforming your body will take hard work and sacrifice. If you truly want to achieve your goals, your health and fitness needs to be a priority.

What does our Online Coaching Service Entail:


✅ Tailored nutrition and resistance training program:

Your coach will provide you tailored nutritional guidance & education, and a resistance training program that is tailored to your specific needs to help you achieve your body composition goals.

✅ Video feedback on exercise technique and execution: 

In order to see progress, you need to perform your exercises correctly, with good technique and appropriate intensity. Your coach will provide you feedback on training videos that you send them to ensure that you’re training optimally.

✅ An Exclusive Community for 1:1 Clients:

 Community is a huge component of your success. You will have access to our exclusive community app to meet other individuals, ask questions and communicate with your coach, and participate in regular challenges and live QnA's.

✅ Access to our state-of-the-art coaching app: 

Many coaching companies deliver their coaching services using clunky methods like google sheets. We have invested in developing our own coaching app that is very seamless to use on our phone to track your workouts, nutrition, and communicate directly with your coach.

✅ Ongoing Educational Resources:

Our goal is to get you to a point where you can continue doing this on your own after working with us, so, education is huge! We will provide you with educational resources to help you learn more about nutrition and training.

✅ Weekly QnA's: 

Every week, we host a QnA in the community to help address and questions that you may have as well as learn from questions that other individuals are asking.

✅ Twice Monthly check-ins:

You will have twice monthly check ins with your coach to assess your progress, discuss areas you’re struggling with, and modify your plan to ensure you're continuing to progress toward your goals.

Meet Our Founder

Dr. Joey Munoz

Nutrition Sciences Ph.D.

Dr. Joey Munoz is the founder of Fit4Life Academy. He holds a Ph.D. in nutrition sciences from Florida State University and is obsessed with all things food, lifting, and fitness. Over the past decade, Dr. Joey has helped hundreds of individuals transform their physiques and achieve their dream body!

How does the application process work?

1. Submit an application

Hit "apply now" and fill out the application form in detail. Do not rush through this step!

2. Give us 24-48 hours

If we are a good fit for you, you will receive an email with additional info on coaching and a link to book a call. 

3. Book an Intro Call 

Book a call intro call with Dr. Joey to ask any questions you may have about coaching.

4. Get Started

If you decide to move forward with coaching, we will send you a contract, invoice, and following instructions!

Inquire now